Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Impact of Apple Inc. on Society - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1832 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/08/16 Category Business Essay Level High school Tags: Apple Inc Essay Did you like this example? Introduction Apple is a company that has made a huge impact on the way people use phones to communicate, take photos, listen to music, use the Internet, etc. The company offers a variety of products for consumers to purchase, and they have developed a loyal fanbase over the years. Apple designs, manufactures and markets mobile communication and media devices and personal computers, and sells a variety of related software, services, accessories, networking solutions and third-party digital content and applications. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Impact of Apple Inc. on Society" essay for you Create order Their products and services include iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, Apple TV, a portfolio of consumer and professional software applications, iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS operating systems, iCloud, Apple Pay and a variety of accessory, service and support offerings. There are several ways that a consumer can acquire these products and services. Apple sells and delivers digital content and applications through the iTunes Store, Apple Store, Mac App store, TV App Store, iBooks Store, and Apple Music (collectively Digital Content and Sevices).1 Apple has grown into a huge and very successful company by being able to accommodate to a wide range of consumers. The company sells to consumers, small and mid-sized businesses and education, enterprise and government customers. General Environment Apple, like any other company, has to consider the several factors that could potentially have an impact on the organization. These factors include political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors. One of the political factors that could have an impact on the company attributes to the amount of money they have generated. Apple had $34.7 billion in the bank on June 30, 2015. This is generating calls for higher corporate taxation in the United States, where income inequality has become a major political issue. Apple having their products manufactured overseas is another political factor. Apple is heavily dependent on lower cost manufacturing in China.2 Social and political unrest in China could disrupt manufacturing or increase manufacturing costs in that country. Goods being imported from China is a topic that has been brought up in political debates, with the question of whether itd be good or bad for the American economy. Throughout the years, there has been calls to restrict Chinese imports in the United States in an effort to boost American manufacturing. Some of the economic factors are associated with the consumers that Apple is trying to push their products to. Stagnating middle-class incomes in some developed countries, including the United States, could shrink the potential market for higher-end consumer goods such as those marketed by Apple. Because Apple is a company that does business around the world, other countries economies is something they have to consider. A strong U.S. dollar could increase exchange rates, making it more expensive for Apple to do business in key markets like Europe and China. Some of the social factors that could have a potential impact on Apple starts with the consumers and how they might perceive the products and services that Apple offers. There is a backlash against expensive and stylish products among some customers in the United States and Europe. Some consumers may feel that purchasing an iPhone is very similar to buying expensive clothes or luxurious cars. The products and services that Apple offers could be viewed as dispensable by those who are opposed to an opulent lifestyle. Another social factor attributes to Apple having their products manufactured in China. Ethical concerns about Apples manufacturing in China could limit its products appeal among socially-conscious consumers. When it comes to technological factors, Apple has to consider the other organizations that serve as rivals, such as Google and Samsung. These competitors have demonstrated a strong ability to duplicate Apples product and services, such as Google developing their own payment app, Android Pay, which has the same capabilities as Apple Pay. Apple also has to consider the popularity with some of their products. Growing use of smartphones and tablets will lower demand for Apples popular personal computers. There are several environmental factors that could have a potential impact on Apple. The biggest environmental issue facing Apple is the disposal of used or nonworking electronic devices. Disposing devices that contain lithium batteries in landfills could raise concerns and the expenses of disposing such devices could be high. Apples products being manufactured in China is also an environment factors that could have an impact on the company. Pollution and other environmental side effects from manufacturing facilities in China are a growing concern. This could lead to increased regulation and higher manufacturing costs at some point in the future. The final factor that could have a potential impact on Apple are legal factors. With all of the products and services that Apple offers, there are several things to consider from a legal standpoint. Apple depends on a variety of products covered by intellectual property laws, such as software and music, for much of its income. This leaves the company highly vulnerable to both piracy and litigation. Porters 5 Forces of the Industry Porters Five Forces is a model that identifies and analyzes five competitive forces that shape every industry, and helps determine an industrys weaknesses and strengths. Frequently used to identify an industrys structure to determine corporate strategy, Porters model can be applied to any segment of the economy to search for profitability and attractiveness. If Apple wants to continue to grow and stand out in the industry, they should use Porters Five Forces to formulate strategies that will help them gain a competitive advantage and continue to succeed as a business. One of the forces is the bargaining power of suppliers. Apple has managed a complex chain of suppliers that are spread globally over several nations including the United States, China, Taiwan, Japan, Brazil, Mexico and several other small and big nations. Because Apple has so many suppliers in several countries, they are not limited to a single one, which allows the organization to have options. In this way, Apple also maintains excellent control over its suppliers. There is no threat of forward integration by the supplier either, so Apples position against its suppliers is strong and their bargain power is weak. Another force is the bargaining power of customers. While the bargaining power of individual customers in the case of Apple or its competitors is low, it is not so in the case of customer groups of markets. This is where Apple really needs to pay attention to its competition and what products or services theyre selling to consumers with the same interests. In the last couple of years, Apple has lost a huge market share in the Asian markets in PC industry to competitors like Lenovo, so the collective bargaining power of the customers in individual markets is high.4 However, Apple has a loyal fanbase which has led to high iPhone sales, so the bargaining power of customers can be considered as weak to moderate. Another force is the threat of new entrants. The cost barriers to establishing a new technology company are very high and it would be very difficult for a company to generate Apples king of brand image and recognition overnight. This is something that can serve as beneficial to Apple as the threat of new entrants isnt very strong. However, even though Apple has this advantage, it doesnt mean that there arent threats out there. A big brand with lots of capital and good brand recognition can diversify into this area to challenge Apples market share. The threat of substitutes is another force that is part of Porters Five Forces. Apple needs to provide their consumers with products or services that will keep them satisfied. If not, they will choose to start using other products that are offered within the industry. While the brand loyalty of Apple consumers is high, some of the models from Samsung and Google are a potential threat because of their efficiency and design. Apple can hardly do anything to mitigate this threat except to bring more products with great features, but overall, the threat of substitutes for Apple is moderate. The last force that is part of Porters Five Force is the competitive rivalry between the existing players. The level of competition between the top players in the technological industry is very high. Apple has to take the competitors in the industry seriously if they want to continue to strive as a business. Some of the competitors of Apple in the industry include Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Lenovo, HP, Samsung and others. All these brands are engaged in intense competition where the loss of one can be the benefit of the other. Value Chain Analysis Value chain analysis is a process where a firm identifies its primary and support activities that add value to its final product and then analyze these activities to reduce costs or increase differentiation. Value chain represents the internal activities a firm engages in when transforming inputs into outputs. There are five primary activities that are within the value chain. They are inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and service. There are also four support activities, and they are technology/research development, human resource management, procurement, and firm infrastructure. As mentioned earlier, Apple has a number of suppliers they do business with. CEO Tim Cook is known for his strategy of getting suppliers to compete with each-other and he has reduced the numbers of suppliers considerably after becoming CEO in 2011. The main sources of value in Apple inbound logistics relate to the economics of scale due to the massive scope and scale of business operations and the development of strategic relationships with suppliers. When it comes to operations, Apple has operating segments located in many parts of the world. They include the Americas, Europe, India, Middle East and Africa, Greater China, Japan, and the rest of the Asian Pacific (Australia and other Asian countries). Outsourcing of manufacturing to locations with lower costs of resources is the main source of value for Apple operations. Apple outbound logistics involves warehousing and distribution of ready iPhones, iPads, Mac computers and other products produced by the company.6 E-commerce sales are rightly acknowledged by the company as a massive source of value in terms of inbound logistics, because e-commerce is more cost effective compared to sales via Apple Store.6 Apple has been able to really succeed as an organization with their efforts. They have become the third largest retailer in the United States in terms of size of e-commerce business, only behind Amazon and Wal-Mart. With their marketing and sales, Apple sells their products though seven sales channels. They are Apple retail stores, Apple online store, direct sales force, third-party cellular network carriers, wholesalers, retailers, and value-added resellers. One of the reasons why Apple has been able to garner a loyal fanbase is because of their service. Apple is famous for exceptional quality of customer services during all three stages: pre-purchase, during the purchase, and post-purchase. The company maintains Apple experience centres in major cities around the globe where anyone can use its products to become convinced about the quality.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Essay on Lime Disease - 941 Words

Lime Disease nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lyme disease is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, which is a tick-borne spirochete. The dangers of this disease became more publicised in 1977, where a geographic grouping of children in Lyme, Conneticut were thought to have juvenile rheumatoid arthritis1. Soon after, it was discovered that lyme disease was an illness that mainly affects the skin, nervous system, heart, and joints. The borrelia species is part of the eubacterial phylum of spirochetes. Containted within a protoplasmic cylinder is a cell membrane, followed by wavy flagella, and then an outer membrane. The genes encoded within the outer membrane are located on plasmids which allows the organism to make antigenic changes in these†¦show more content†¦Secondary skin lesions may occur but are smaller and migrate less. The main symptoms include fatigue and excruciating headache, lasting only hours or days. Meningitis, poor memory, mood change, cardiac problems, and facial palsy are also very common. They may recur or become chronic1. Six months later (on average), many patients have brief attacks of arthritis in the large joints, especially in the knee. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Stage 3 is classified as the late persistent infection, where arthritis lasts longer (ie. months) and chronic arthritis (a year or more of joint inflammation) begins. More than a year after infection, B. burgdorferI may affect the central and peripheral nervous systems. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There has been a lot of work carried out in this field, particularly where children are affected. For example, the transplacental transmission of B. burgdorferi has been reported in 2 infants whose mothers were infected with Lyme borreliosis during the first trimester of pregnancy. Both of these infants dies in their first week of life. One had encephalitis and the other had congenital cardiac malformations1. Spirochetes were seen in various fetal tissues. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Studies reviewing lyme disease in pregnant women before knowing the outcome of theirShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Lupus And Limes Disease881 Words   |  4 PagesBefore I was born my mother had Von Willebrand, Lupus and Limes Disease. She wasn t diagnosed until 18 years ago when I was born. I’d see her struggle everyday while it took over her immune system and her physical movement I saw my mother trying to cope with what was and what would be her. As I got older and I could understand the phrase â€Å"mommy isn t feeling good† I knew something was wrong. I saw my aunts come over and help my mom with her hair and do her makeup, my mother had to wear cancer patientRead MoreA Brief Note On Lupus And Limes Disease895 Words   |  4 PagesBefore I was born, my mother had Von Willebrand, Lupus and Limes Disease. She wasn t diagnosed until 18 years ago when I was born. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Adulthod final Free Essays

The distinction of the age range within each stage of development or within a single stage say childhood or adolescence varies from one community to another. These distinctions are not fixed and they vary greatly depending on the culture and the social orientation of the society doing the distinction. For instance, the age at which an individual is seen as a juvenile varies from state to another and therefore it is automatic that the age of at which one converts to an adult from adolescence will also vary. We will write a custom essay sample on Adulthod final or any similar topic only for you Order Now Therefore the distinction between childhood and adulthood will also vary between these states and generally vary from one cultural and social group to another all along history. It is important to note that the passage year into adulthood or passage years within adulthood itself as a stage of development is socially and culturally fixed. All cultures divide the entire life of human beings into more all the same but what differ are the transition ages from one stage to another or from one sub stage (within one development stage say adulthood) to another. Of great importance are the roles that come with the attainment of each development stage (Barber, 1957). These roles are assigned or expected in each society or culture differently and on the basis of the developmental changes observed at each stage. For instance, one will be expected to marry and raise a family at the entry into adulthood whereas other societies will prefer on to move on to the middle adulthood before he or she could marry. This paper seeks to address the stages of adulthood giving a detailed description of the changes observed at each stage of adulthood and at the same time addressing how public policy affects each period of development and examine the different cultural influences during each developmental period. 2.0 Literature Review Life development stages are often marked by certain specific social, physical and psychological developments or changes. When these changes are observed the assignment of rights, roles, privileges and responsibilities then takes place but this assignment is depended on the culturally defined or defined as a matter of official policy. For instance, in Western industrialized societies, the life development stages are defined as Prenatal stage (conception- birth), Infancy (birth-2 years), Early childhood (3-6 years), Middle childhood (6 years- puberty which of course varies), Adolescence (beginning of puberty to adulthood), Young adulthood (20-40 years), Middle adulthood (40-65 years) and Later adulthood old age (sixty-five and older). Of great concern especially for this paper are the stages of adulthood which as seen from above list is divided into 3 stages: Young adulthood (20-40 years), Middle adulthood (40-65 years) and Later adulthood/old age (65 years and older) (Pikunas Eugene, 1991). A young adult is lies between the age of 20-40 and individuals in this sub stage of adulthood display energy and vigor. They are generally of perfect health and bereft of problems related to senescence. Physical performance reaches the peak at the age of 20-35an starts to wane after 35, Strength peaks at 25 and remains constant through 35-40 after which it starts to decline and Flexibility decrease as the age goes past 35 or 40. It is important to note physical differences in which a 40 year old may out beat a 20 year old on many of the aspects highlighted above. Women in this group reach their fertility peak which then decreases gradually as age progresses. For instance, there is 50%, 40% and 30% for women aged19-26, 27-34 and 35-39 respectively (Lesser Pope, 2007). At this sub stage of adulthood, the members think in a more mature way as oppose to the preceding adolescence stage and focus more on the positive construction of a bright future ahead of them. Further, they learn to appreciate value in things and issues, tangible or intangible, and their relationships with adults improve markedly. Middle adulthood, according to the US official policies , includes the ages 35-54 year olds but Erik Erikson deems otherwise and thinks that this stage end later and thus sets the stage to last from 40-65 years old. This stage succeeds young adulthood and it is defined by visible aging signs such as graying of hair and loss of skin elasticity, put up of body weigh usually due to reduced physical activity and decrease in strength and flexibility. Female fertility also decreases significantly during this stage of middle adulthood. However, the aging process observed in this stage varies from one individual to another mainly through the concept of individual differences (Shephard, 1998). Finally, late adulthood or old age starts from 65 years and above. However this boundary between the middle adulthood and old age may not be categorically placed because it doesn’t share the same connotations in all societies and therefore it varies from on society to another. For Instance, in most parts of the world, old age is assigned to people based on certain changes in their lives, activities and social roles i.e. people are said to be old   when they assume or become grandparents, or when they retire. European and North American societies identify old age with attainment of specific number of years. This apparently last stage of the human life cycle is distinct of limited regenerative ability with the members being highly prone to disease sickness and syndromes besides other aspects of senescence. 3.0 Statement of the Problem The stages of adulthood development vary from one society or government to another. It is evident that the age definitions of these sub stages of adulthood differ from one official government policy to another and these governments fix these age .numbers based on the societal assignments of roles. The society on the other hand assigns roles, responsibilities, privileges etc basing on the public policy defined by the government. Therefore, it goes without saying that public policy affects each of the sub stages of adult development cultural orientation immensely influences each sub stage of developmental period. 4.0 Research Methods The method of collecting data is designed in a way that one randomly observes various people in various sub stages of adulthood noting the common physical, social and even psychological features where possible. Further, at least ten individuals in each sub stages of the adulthood stage i.e. Early Adulthood, Middle Adulthood, Late Adulthood, Elderly are interviewed to state why they think they qualify to be in their respective sub stage of adulthood and what are some of the responsibilities, roles, rights etc that come with each sub stage of adulthood development. The research schedule was set a below: 4.1 Early Adulthood Observation: physical, psychological and social features Interview: to state why they think they qualify to be in their respective sub stage of adulthood and the responsibilities, roles and rights that come with this sub stage Time: 3 Hours 4.2 Middle Adulthood Observations: physical, psychological and social features Interview: to state why they think they qualify to be in their respective sub stage of adulthood and the responsibilities, roles and rights that come with this sub stage Time: 3 Hours 4.3 Late Adulthood Observation: physical, psychological and social features Interview: to state why they think they qualify to be in their respective sub stage of adulthood and the responsibilities, roles and rights that come with this sub stage Time: 3 Hours 4.4 Elderly Observation: physical, psychological and social features Interview: to state why they think they qualify to be in their respective sub stage of adulthood and the responsibilities, roles and rights that come with this sub stage How to cite Adulthod final, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Future Planning

Question: Explain The formal feedback that is needed for the future planning. Answer: The proactive measures likely taken for the improvement of the encouragement of the team is by awarding them accordingly. The team involved in certain activity always appreciates some positive feedback regarding their performances. Hence rewarding them is the best way to promote the encouragement as well as continue the improvement. The formal feedback that is needed for the future planning are: Request for the increase in the payroll. Adequate means of the environment improvement so that the employees find a good place to work. The increase in the manpower for some specified department to continue with the activity of the organization. To help improve the time management skills we can give them adequate training in maintaining the time. Also, make them attend the sessions to understand the most tactful way of managing time and give them time to practice on the same. The problems to be discussed are: The problem in the behavior that the colleagues sometimes get from each other. The problem regarding the salary increase. Problems of the exploitation. The KPI or the KSI are used for the monitoring of the performance of the team xo that they can have the track with themselves regarding the performances they deliver. The use makes them competitive providing a better outcome. The hospitality industry is purely based on the teamwork. Hence, not coordinating can lead to the miscommunication resulting the customer remaining unfulfilled. The most effective tool for the problem solving is the mode of the discussion. The conference will give rise to new ideas resulting less of confusion. The best way to give feedback is by sending an official mail regarding the same. To check the understanding of the instructions require the examination of the output. The most common problem is the misbehavior that the employees face. It is advisable to make a discussion with the concerned and if nothing changes then it is advisable to move to the concerned forum. The very general encouragement is the group discussion and gives scope to that person so that they find comfortability to discuss the problem. This is in concern for _____ hotel: Front office SOP regarding the guest room allocation and the up gradation or the downgrade: SOP- guest room allocation for downgrade: SOP Number: FO-_____( this is the SOP for the serial number and the departmental code) Department- Front Office. Date of issue: Training Time: 30 minutes. Familiar with the type of the room to get a generalized concept- It is important to get familiar with the category of the room along with the differences even if that is minor. The trainers are expected to memorize the same so that they can detect the exact location for the situational optimize. Verify the specification and the reservation- it is important for the trainer to verify the guest immediately after they check-in. During the time of the check-in, it is important to note the category of the reservation. Trainers are expected to verify the guest and their category respecting their perspective while they applied. Category available: Higher floor. Special viewing rooms. Rooms that must have the location away from the elevator. Twin/ double. Smoking or non- smoking. Any other criteria specially mentioned by the guests while they made the reservation. Allocation of the room- while the guests check-in it is important to note the category with the reserved room they opted to stay. It is important for the trainer to note that the room allocation goes with the criteria the guest made the order. Honor request of Guest- sometimes it is not possible to allocate the room as per the guest request. Searching an alternative room as per the request may not be possible as the room may be accompanied. Inform the guest regarding the unavailability of the rooms and convince them to shift to the time of unavailability. A common request to be followed. For the couples, it is essential to provide a king size bed and not the twin bed. There must be an availability of the non- smoking rooms. If any company members come in groups, then they should get the allocation in the similarity basis as well as the convenience. Problematic rooms to be given least preference. As per the request of the single woman blocks the interconnecting rooms or keep it accessed. Consider any other options. It is the duty of the trainer to consider the other options so that there is a chance for an alternative availability. Always upgrade the guest in the room if the booked criteria are unavailable. The front office must be active to process any recovery. If the downgrade rooms are the only option left, then explain that politely to the customer and make the payment adjustment in such manner. Training summary questions: Types of rooms available? Details to verify during the time of arrival of guests? What makes it important ensure the type of room to be allotted while the request made for the same? How to handle a situation when you cannot process a request from the guest. What are the common requests of the guests? What guidelines to follow for the room up gradation? Who is the concerned person to inform for the down gradation of a room? Why or why not it is a good practice to block problematic rooms for longer staying guests. Take special care for the guests with disabilities and make amenities or the services required at the time of reservation. Superblock such rooms in advance so that there is the lack of confusion. Workflow plan for an activity: Work schedule for an activity: The steps outlined for the asserting of workloads and other responsibilities are: Concerning the excel sheet that explains the work schedule, it is determined about the workload to be delivered and to observe whether such person is capable or not. The workload is shared in such manner so that the person can get competent and is confidence to do it. It will be baseless to pressurize someone for the output which is the main concern of the department while they deliver the work. Predicting the demands relates to the dealing with the product. So, the product must be such that the consumer demands. Hence, the output and the quality followed by the demand of the consumers give a calculative prediction of the demands regarding the product. As the concerned member of the specified department, it is the duty to make the assumptions based on such demands. The staffs for the same must be provided with adequate means to maintain the same quality so that predicted demands are the constant factor, and the quality remains same as per the demand made by the consumer. Workload and demand prediction can fulfill when there is enough fulfillment of the stuffing needs. When the stuff and the stuff needs are fulfilled, then the adequate means of output can be drawn. This is the main concern with the concerned department. SOP for business department for (organization name): Financial procedures: the process includes the directives of the financial department, which also includes the financial reporting that helps in constituting a separate SOP. IT procedures and computer: this includes the information regarding the IT process as well as the other technology procedures. The system even includes the information of the about the company policy for the use of the internet, personal email account, evaluation of the hardware and software. SOP reflects the standards of asserting the risks that are included in the technology security breach. Human Resource and its working: the Human Resource is the main department of the organization. The total strength of the company depends on upon the Human Resource and it's working. Hence, this department must be well-trained and some additional guidelines provided so that they can sort out the problems in the entity faced by the employees or the management. Marketing and sales: some experts in the SOP explains that guidelines for the business corporation for making some market analysis with the research and the procedures. Some of the guidelines are mailed which includes the advertising of the product, mail marketing, and the public relations. Security concern: The main component of the SOP is the security concern. SOP for the entity takes adequate measures for maintenance of security. SOP remains with the components about the statement of the guidelines and the ethics that is related to the employee contact code. The benchmarking is the medium of the measurement that defines the quality of the organizational policies, strategies, programs as well as the products. It is a medium to make some measurement as well as to compare them or make some similar measurements regarding the peers and that medium. The main objective of the benchmarking are: To determine the improvements for the places where it is called to make such improvements. Analyzing the places of weakness so that the organization can get some of the ideas to achieve a performance at a high level. The information extracted from the same helps provide a better outcome so that there is a scope for the improvements. It is the new trend of the company to adopt the system of the benchmarking so that there is a possibility to set a new excellence and all the future models can live in that excellence expectation. There are four types of benchmarking: Internal Benchmarking. Functional benchmarking. Competitive benchmarking. Skill was benchmarking. The relation between benchmarking and the SOP are as followed: The greatest relation between the parameter and SOPS is that they both can be used for the information of the assessment theories. In the matter of the benchmark, the assessment is held for the judgment of someone's performance. The judgment of the performance makes sense in the matter that somehow it will be able to judge the performances. The benchmark is the most efficient way of the performance measurement criteria and hence it is accepted in the reasonable standards. For the purpose of the training, the benchmark is widely used by the judge for the performance assessment so that there is an easy method to bring a conclusion about the depth of the knowledge and the capability to further continuation of the same. In the SOP standard, the policy followed as by giving a snapshot of the set of knowledge that are performed to some particular standard. It specifies particular criteria describing the outcomes of the factor for what we are looking and is purely based on the performance. System involved in the quality assurance for the (department name): The system involved in the quality assurance is a factor that is an employee based section. The system takes adequate means to increase and encourage the employees regarding the quality assurance by giving out the awards. The awards in the form of the extrinsic or the intrinsic motivate the employee to work better. The arrangement of the Annual General Meeting is one of the critical components of the factors improving the working area for the better outcome. The two different times when the team encountered an operational or service issue are: When there was a confusion going on between the team members. When the management complained about the outcome productivity. The things came to the notice: When the outcome productivity was getting low, and there was a situation of internal tension where the team members were not willing to work with each other. The response was to call for a meeting with the management and the discussion made so that there is a change in the outcome and can improve in the future.