Friday, February 14, 2020

The World trade organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The World trade organisation - Essay Example Their mission is to help firms and producers of goods and services, importers and exporters improve their profit.† Advantages WTO has a number of benefits. Firstly, WTO’s trading system encourages peace between nations. In particular, when nations carry out trading with each other without any conflict, they subsequently resolve a number of trading issues and build long-term relationships. This leads to the creation of peace between them. In addition, the trading system also forces enhancement of confidence and teamwork between nations. For example, earlier, people who sell products and services used to hesitate due to trade disputes with their international customers. However, after WTO, the trading has now become a smooth process, and both the seller and the buyer are satisfied with the exchange, leading to a good relationship. In other words, political arguments now occur on a lesser level. An easygoing trade helps nations all around the globe to feel safe. People who are satisfied and successful with international trade are less likely to have fights and disagree with one and another, In other words, wars are less likely to happen between countries. Secondly, the trade system enables effective management and resolution of conflicts and disagreements on international level.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

International Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International Relations - Essay Example This would involve the Americans thinking the worst about Iran and to act out of self-interest. This probably would mean that Iran would be bombed. The second approach could be a liberal one which would involve the U.S. acting within the bounds of the international system. Both of these approaches will be explored in this brief essay. Realism involves looking at the political system in a way that takes self-interest as the paramount motivator for actors. There is not really any such thing as altruism in this theory, only power and efforts to accumulate power. In order to have power, a country must have security (Bell, 2008, p. 25). For the United States, Iran represents a serious security threat to the world order it has established. Iran threatens Israel and to a less extent Saudi Arabia. A lot of the rhetoric from Iran is poisonous and also suggests Iran is a threat. Washington can only take Iran at its word when it says that it wants to destroy Israel, America's ally. The way that Iran treats its own people lends all of this credence too. Because of these factors, the United States should act decisively. Clearly, negotiation has not been successful. For many American realists, the only thing that Iran will understand is force. Following this theory through to its conclusion, it seems necessary for America to bomb Iran. Politicians like Dick Cheney might be described as realists.